Tuesday, April 6, 2021

German Frigate Free 4 All

Eve Online

Date: Friday, 04/09/2021 Time: 19:00 DE Meeting
Where: Amarr VIII (Oris) – Emperor Family
Academy Location: The Low Sec System will be announced on the evening TS: ts3.pod-express.de

Basic rules/infos:

  • X-Up in the G-Fleet In-game chat channel (g-fleet.de) for Fleet Invite
  • The overview scan to the extent that you see Fleetmember and Nichfleetmember.
  • "Child protection on yellow" "not on red" in order not to be able to shoot pods (only necessary in the low system).
  • For safety reasons, put Death Clone on the NPC Station in Low.
  • No pods are shot, better take them down from the overview.
  • Fights only take place in the arena. Also not at the WarpIns (e.B. Arena WarpIn @400km) in the arena.
  • You're welcome! use the BM's in the arena and don't warp directly on the opponent (that dictates the decency!).
  • The respective ship is traded via a specific char (see Fleet MOTD).
  • There are additional bookmarks for the NPC Station, Gates or Safespots.
Read More - Pod-Express.de


Sunday, April 4, 2021

A New Live Event for July

Eve Online

Attention capsuleers! Have you ever pointed your camera drones at some distant nebula or beautiful sight and thought “I should have studied photography at the Science and Trade Institute instead of becoming a pod pilot”? Well, if so, Team Illuminati has a new event coming up for you to scratch that artistic itch of yours, while also giving you the opportunity to get some cool stuff. And for those of you who don't like snapping pictures, hopefully it'll give you a chance to blow up the potential photographers.

During the summer months, we here at the Illuminati Team are taking an opportunity to try something different with live events for a while. For the past year, we've been running events with actors in system which players get to come and interact with; either to help them, negotiate with them, or just blow them up. Now we'd like to try look at other possibilities.

For our first experiment, we're holding this photography contest on behalf of the Sisters of EVE, who are well known for exploring the universe of New Eden. We're hoping to allow a wider range of players to participate, over a variety of time zones and locations, with different playstyles than we've been able to support so far. We hope you like it!

How easy is it to get into EVE Online in 2021?

Eve Online

There are some multiplayer games out there that fill gamers with a worrisome, nagging dread. Those behemoths that millions of people have been play for years, and that the very idea of starting right now seems destined for immediate failure. If you haven’t been playing League of Legends since year one, taken part in every Destiny raid, or ranked in every season of Overwatch, there’s a feeling that you shouldn’t even bother trying. That’s the category that EVE: Online fell into for me.

I’ve always known about EVE Online. Modern gamers are in fact born with an innate sense of EVE Online’s existence. It’s that game about spaceships, where you can take your spaceship and join up with everyone else’s spaceship to do *something*, all the while giant conglomerates wage occasional wars in which hundreds of thousands of real world dollars are blown to smithereens. That is where the innate knowledge, unfortunately, washes up on a distant planet’s shore, left to eddy in a tranquil sci-fi backwater along with Battle of the Planets and Wing Commander’s FMV. It is a game so epic in scale that somewhere along the way I’ve got lost trying to understand it.

So it was with fearful interest that I was given the opportunity to hop into EVE Online – some 18 years since its inception – and be led by the hand through its opening moments by Páll Grétar Bjarnason. This is a man who lives and breathes EVE Online, and in his dulcet Icelandic tones I was shown the way in.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

64-Bit Instructions for Singularity (Mac Users - must read!)

Free To Play

Last Time, on EVE Online 64-Bit Progress:
The March 5th mass test 13 revealed some interesting memory and FPS concerns with the initial implementation. Devs scrambled to find the causes and modify the code to prevent further disruptions.

And now, the continuation:
Our Engine and Build teams have tackled a fair number of interesting issues in the 64-Bit client. We resolved a unique quirk of EVE memory allocation related to module duration and scene clean up, and have instituted fixes for problems related to frametime.

Excitingly, we’ve also implemented a few changes to allow Mac users to experience EVE in 64-bit glory. So, we’re going to try mass testing again as indicated HERE 74 !

There are a few specific steps that need to be taken for you to participate in this (now) twice-in-a-lifetime experience:

1: Restart your launcher to get the latest version. The necessary Launcher version is 1501045.
2: Select Singularity as your server.
3: Start the client!

1: Restart your launcher to get the latest version. The necessary Launcher version is 1501045.
2: Open EVE Launcher Preferences in the Menu Bar.
3: Enable ‘Use dev versions’ under wine options.
4: Select the following specific Wine Dev branch*: winehq-macos-binary.
5: Allow Wine** to download and update (sometimes restarting the launcher afterward is necessary).
6: Select Singularity as your server.
7: Start the client!

*- Please note that selecting this Wine version is officially approved for Singularity use only! If you switch to any other server, INCLUDING TRANQUILITY, we recommend that you disable development Wine to ensure a stable experience.

**- This Wine version does not include the custom key bindings present in ccp-master wine. Discussion regarding the removal of those bindings can be found HERE 29

Credit - Eve Online Forums

Friday, April 2, 2021

EVE Online’s Latest Front Is A Battle Of The Bands

Eve Online

EVE has been torn apart by war between the game’s largest factions for close to nine months. The war is raging on every imaginable front: massive fleets wreaking untold destruction, economic powers exerting their influence over the game’s markets, players vying for karma on the EVE subreddit. Recently, two maestros on opposing sides have begun trying to win the title of EVE’s supreme bard, remixing popular music tracks with EVE lyrics and producing videos cut from screenshots, video capture and in-game cinematics to urge their side to victory.

Known as ErodiceSGHQ and Looktoyourleft_1 on Reddit, these players have been releasing track after track shining a light on their respective faction’s victories and the failures of the opposition. It all started with a little ditty called “We Didn’t Crash the Server” posted by Looktoyourleft a little over two months ago. The song is a parody of “We Didn’t Start the Fire” by Billy Joel, and covers the events of one of EVE’s largest battles ever. The song is a tongue-in-cheek retelling of the fight from the Imperium perspective, full of in-jokes, personal references, and jabs at the opposing force, the PAPI coalition.

Dying in EVE Online changed my life

Fleet Image

I'll never forget my first real fight against another player in EVE Online—it had taken me, a fresh-faced noobie at the time, almost a month to scrounge up the ISK to buy a beloved Catalyst destroyer, and now I was about to lose it fighting a player in a vastly more deadly assault frigate. As my shields evaporated in a single volley, I began shaking so severely from the adrenaline rush that I couldn't accurately use my mouse anymore.

Dying in EVE Online is intense. Unlike most other MMOs, where you can simply respawn with all your stuff and carry on with your quest, a destroyed ship is gone forever. That loss stings if you don't have the ISK to immediately purchase a replacement. But while I raged in the moment, those memories are some of the strongest I've had playing any PC game. It meant something to lose that ship. There were stakes beyond good and bad endings or plot twists triggered by dialogue choices. EVE Online was the first time I felt the consequences of my actions in a game. The emotional highs and lows that came as a result have defined not just how I think about PC games, but also my career.

Read More - PCGamer

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Gate to Stain Under Construction

Gate To Stain

Stain-based Capsuleers,

As part of our next Quadrant release, you can expect to see a new route opening up in the southern regions of New Eden bringing a long-awaited Lowsec gate to Stain. This newly-built stargate will offer Capsuleers expedient access into and out of this NPC Nullsec region, making it much more favorable as a place to live or stage from. 

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The 10 Biggest Changes In EVE Online History

The expansive world of EVE Online has been kept alive with updates, and here are the biggest changes made to the game since its inception.

Eve Online

When an MMORPG like Eve Online has been around for nearly 18 years, it’s no surprise that it’ll have experienced some changes. Obviously graphics will have seen improvements, and any developer worth their salt will have improved the playability, interface, and software chugging behind the scenes.

But there are some changes that have a dramatic impact within the game. Updates that introduce new features, patches that alter the very foundation of player-built empires. Over 18 years of history, Eve Online has seen a number of impactful changes.

Sunday, March 28, 2021


CCP Interview

EVE Online is a game of numbers. You work through risk assessment, economic advantage, taxes and returns on investment. However, behind the scenes are CCP Games researchers looking to see what about the game is working, and where they should focus their efforts next.

Recently, I got an opportunity to sit down with Josh Rivers, who’s a qualitative data analyst for CCP looking to improve and strengthen the new player experience. 

Read The Interview Here


Monthly Economic Report - February 2021

The Economic Report for the month of February is now available for your viewing pleasure!

You can download all of the raw data used in this report here. As always, each image can be enlarged by clicking on it.

To join the player discussion, please head over to the official thread on EVE Online forums.


Friday, March 26, 2021

Driver of the Bus – Interview With Mike Azariah

This is the first in a number of Q&A articles that I am excited to produce for you guys. My hope is that it will offer a little more insight into the life of various different aspects of the game we all love to hate. No time to waste so let’s get started.
Thank you so much for taking some timeout to help me put this together. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I am Mike Azariah, I have been playing Eve Online fairly steadily for roughly 12 years now. I am the Bus driver for “Operation Magic School Bus”. As such I am unaligned with any corporation or alliance as that might be perceived as favoritism. When the mood takes me I will and have flown logistics in incursions and with Edencom. I try to make it to most public events as I am a current member of CSM15 and have served previously on CSM 8, 9 and 10.
You mentioned you have been playing for around 12 years now, take yourself back those 12 years; how did it become part of your life?

There have been a few watershed moments that brought more than its share of players into the game. The Guiding Hand Social Club assassination article in the PC Gamer magazine was what caught my attention. What inspired me wasn’t just for the story but the concept of one world where what YOU did mattered to other players. Other peoples watersheds are the enormous battles, the “This is Eve” video and so on, each event brought their own influx of a horde of players all at once.
In terms of everyday playing eve online, what is your usual line of work?

On my own time I often do the well known abyssal runs or spend some time exploring.

While driving the bus I am busy stocking the various career systems or travelling through them handing out free fitted ships to the newish pilots. All they have to do is speak up in local, dock up, and be under 30 days old as a pilot. Folks over the age limit can speak up but for them it is a BPC (blueprint copy) or three also free of course. I am most often found in rookie help chat helping out.

Read Entire Interview - The New Eden Post

Industry Changes Coming To Eve Online

Industry Changes

A significant update to industry, focusing mainly on Tech I ship manufacturing, will go live in the middle of April in a series of two updates. Material requirements for all Tech I ship blueprints will be updated, and new manufacturing tiers are established, making industry progression more consistent and easier to understand.


"Over the course of the Triglavian Invasions, EDENCOM and the core empires became increasingly concerned by the threat of subversion of ship and capsule systems by the invading forces. The demonstrated ability of the Triglavians to infiltrate information networks and subvert key communications backbones raised the very real prospect of the capital ship and line battleship fleets of the empires being crippled by Triglavian information warfare.

While the empires deployed selected capital fleets to combat invasion flashpoints, and kept large guard fleets of capital ships close to their home systems, a large proportion of the fleets were rushed into refitting programs aimed at hardening their systems against infiltration and subversion. Additional refitting was also carried out to enhance crew survival systems, improve reactor core temperature regulation, and enable increased power utilization of empire naval vessels.

Developments in these technologies were shared across the empires through the EDENCOM alliance, and inevitably some of the new resource extraction and manufacturing technology also fell into the hands of criminals and pirates. All ship designs are undergoing extensive upgrades to guard against subversion by the Triglavians in the uneasy aftermath of the invasions and the formation of the Triglavian region of Pochven." - Olivera en Zakali, Placid GalNetNews"


The path for aspiring builders in New Eden will be clearer than ever – so if you have ever thought about getting into industrial production, this is a good time to start! In addition, experienced builders will have a new set of challenges to rise to in their field of expertise.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

WWB2: The Story So Far


World War Bee 2 has been rampaging through New Eden since last July, marking nearly 250 days since the inception of the PAPI coalition, comprised primarily of the Legacy and PanFam/Winter coalitions, with the primary goal of nuking the Imperium (commonly referred to as Goons) out of existence. Through nine months of war, a lot has happened. The Imperium News Network has been posting updates about the combat actions and strategic accomplishments every week for the last 35 weeks (their latest here) and you can view all these updates here. However, the intention of this article is to, instead of digging into specific battles and turning points, provide a broad stroked view of the war, taking you from the beginning to now, where the war is entering its final phase: the Siege and (hopefully for PAPI) eventual destruction of the Goon staging system of 1DQ1-A.

Throughout this article, there will be links to specific coverage both on this website and other EVE news outlets. These links can open in a new window so feel free to read at your leisure.

Before we dig in to the events of the war, there are two campaign battle reports that I would like to share. The first battle report is circulated by the Imperium and includes every region in the game and also places anyone who is not the Imperium on the side of PAPI. This includes neutral logistics crews (which the Imperium uses) who are unfortunate enough to meet their end in various reaches of space. I have also prepared an alternate battle report, only looking at the areas of conflict (including invaders’ home regions where a counter-invasion has happened) and removing truly neutral parties from either side. Though, at the scale of loss here, the difference is rather trivial, I feel it relevant to ensure accuracy in reporting.


Ships in Space

Even before the global coronavirus pandemic, it was becoming rote to point out that people, by and large, were not having a good time in 2020. For one thing, there’s the accelerating devastation of climate change, which has only exacerbated economic and political instability worldwide. There’s also been massive unrest over inequality across the globe, leaving many people feeling helpless to change the tide of history.

So what can a video game do to help anything? If you ask CCP Games, a fair amount, actually. Through their massively popular game EVE Online, CCP says players feel measurable, positive, and utilitarian impacts. Or as they simply label it: “The EVE Effect.” According to internal surveys, CCP claims a full 73 percent of players have made new friends through EVE, and among those who did, 65 percent said their new sense of connection meaningfully improved their real lives outside the game. What’s more, 72 percent said it’s possible that skills they learned in EVE helped them get better jobs. In the MMORPG, players find a complex, virtual environment that naturally cultivates substantive friendships, while teaching people skills that have practical applications day-to-day: ranging from spreadsheet fluency to leadership to better communication. True, that’s not fixing wide-scale global problems, but it’s making people’s day-to-day lives feel richer, and that’s meaningful.

In a year turned upside-down, The EVE Effect might feel more impactful than ever. We spoke to three players around the world who said it’s changed their lives for the better.

Monday, March 22, 2021

The Metaverse is Coming, Are You Ready? LGF21 keynote Q&A with Hilmar V. Pétursson, CEO of CCP Games

CCP Games CEO @HilmarVeigar covering the metaverse in an exclusive 1:1 fireside chat at @londongamesfest today at 16:00 UTC.

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