- Upgrading to Omega Clone State will unlock some of EVE's best ships and skills, as well as giving you an infinite skill queue, double training speed and removing the skill cap. It allows access to the entire skill tree of EVE, making over 300 ships available as your training progresses.
- Omega also unlocks game features that are limited for Alpha Clones, including exclusive Triglavian ship piloting, exporting from planetary colonies, full access to the contracts system, and lower taxes on manufacturing and research jobs.
- If your Omega time elapses you will switch back to Alpha Clone State. Alphas are unable to use or train the Omega skills but all money, items and ships will remain. Your progress in the Omega skills is maintained and as soon as you upgrade again all your trained skills will be active. Omega's flexibility lets you choose when and how you play.
Get Omega Time
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