Monday, March 8, 2021

Cloudflare Security Solutions Help CCP Games Stop DDoS Attacks & Credential-Stuffing Bots

CCP Games Logo


Headquartered in Reykjavík, Iceland, CCP Games develops cutting-edge, massively multiplayer online (MMO) games — including EVE Online, an MMO whose 300,000+ active players populate a virtual universe, traveling in intricate spacecrafts that require years of time and thousands of dollars to build.
EVE Online’s global player base forge real connections with one another and spend real money in-game. Transaction errors and other glitches that detract from the in-game experience are unacceptable. DDoS attacks that slow game servers or take them down completely are devastating to game developers.
Account takeovers (ATOs) are also a big issue in the gaming industry. User credentials for MMO games fetch high prices on the Dark Web. In addition to in-game currency and digital assets, these accounts contain valuable personal identifying information (PII) and payment card data.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Graphic designer

 I had a new logo created in the image of Anubis the Egyptian God of death, mummification, embalming, the afterlife, cemeteries, tombs, and the Underworld. I have always had a fascination with him and what he represents in Egyptian lore. 

 I started to follow a graphic artist on Twitter named Emma Wilson. She sent me a message asking if I wanted to get some work done and at first, I didn't need a logo because I had just had one made by someone else. I did decide to get a new one done because, although the other logo was good, I could see she would do better.

After a few days, I had a new logo, done professionally and she was great working with me on what I wanted and what I was looking for. She worked with me as far as payment (half down and the other half after completion) and payments were made through Paypal.

Give her a follow on Twitter and check out her work



Yesterday A Band Apart & Stay Frosty held our 7th Annual FFA Event in Ouelletta and all of Eve Online was invited to participate. And while all of them didn't show up obviously, a big number of them did. 

 Ok, so deep breath. All in all we handed out aprox 6,300 Frigates. It is hard to know exact numbers because at the end there we were raiding our regular Corporation hangars and handing out anything we could to keep up. I think we even handed out our cache of Ganking Thrashers we keep on hand. 

 According to Dotlan, Ouelletta saw over 11,000 ship and pod kills yesterday. With some reports putting that number up over the 12,000 total. Again, it is always hard to know the true data and we're waiting on a potential final tally from CCP. Once we have that I'll update this post with the new information. 

 If these numbers hold and I fully expect them to based on what we've seen, this may very well be the largest loss of ships/pods in one day EVER in Low Security space. Based on what I know of Eve history I expect it will be an historic day. I used to attend RnK's FFA events back in the day and while they were huge for their time, I don't ever remember them resulting in these types of numbers. And Low Sec battles, while many like Asakai are historic, never really add up to these numbers either. So I expect we've set new records here. And if you happened to be there, you'll have something else to remember it by.

Saturday, March 6, 2021


Eve Online Mining Ship

  Multiplayer sandbox games are a tough genre to break into, often leaving new players lost in all the features and options available. EVE Online, being a sandbox space simulator, takes that even further by placing as few restrictions on the player as possible while still being a competitive MMO. The choices come early on, and it can leave a lot of the new players, including myself, lost in space, wondering where to take all of this freedom. 

 Luckily, I got some help on my first steps into New Eden. Páll Bjarnason is an associate PR and marketing specialist at CCP Games who sat down with me during the tutorials to discuss the early choices, combat in EVE Online, and sage advice that beginning EVE pioneers should try and follow. 

 The first thing you do when starting EVE Online is build a character, and that immediately forces you to choose a starting faction. How much does that choice impact the game? Your character creation is purely an aesthetic point of view. The factions and bloodlines, all that stuff. The only differences that I can actually think of … are that you’re going to start off with some very, very basic skills.

YC 123 New Eden Capsuleers’ Writing Contest

In light of the successful contest the last seven years I am pleased to announce the EIGHTH (yay!) year for a writing contest for stories or poems by or about Capsuleers/Baseliners and their worlds and cultures.  

  • There will be FOUR categories this year: 
  • Poetry 
  • Prose 
  • Academic/
  • Scientific (e.g. Academic, Economic Reports, Science Reports, Theological Writings, Treatises, etc.) News/Gossip/Opinion Pieces 


 There is no minimum length. Maximum length is 15,000 words. There is no required subject matter; the content may be fiction or non-fiction. 

 Prior works are eligible as long as posted or published AFTER May 15, YC 122 (2020). This means, for example, works in the recent story-time thread on the IGS or stories and gossip reports (in Player Fiction) in the past uear can be nominated by their authors for consideration. 

 Please post entries by linking in this thread or by a clear label in the Eve Fiction category of these forums, e.g. [YC 123 NEWCWC your work title here] as the title.
  • FIRST PLACE - 5 billion isk
  • SECOND PLACE - 3 billion isk
  • THIRD PLACE - 750 million isk
  • FOURTH PLACE - 250 million isk
  • Honorable Mentions - 50 million isk

Friday, March 5, 2021

EVE Online's New Jump Tunnels Spice Up Travel In A Much Needed Way

Space Gate Jump


One of the things I dislike most about EVE Online is the time it takes to travel from one system to the next. Spending an hour getting from Jita to some far-flung system in New Eden can be a chore sometimes, especially if you live on the outskirts of HiSec like I do (I've started to make my home in LowSec to do some piracy lately). One major reason why this always felt dull was not just the time it took, but also simply the animations going from one system to the next never really inspired much. 

 For those who have never played EVE Online, jump tunnels before were a simple animation to essentially hide a loading screen. It felt right out of 90's sci-fi - a simple, muted kaleidascope of color that looked like a warp tunnel from Stargate SG-1 or a show like that. It wasn't bad - but it never felt compelling to me. And, after seven or eight jumps in a row, it started to get downright mundane.

Hilmar Veigar Pétursson interview: Remembering 20 years of Eve Online

Eve Online
Hilmar Veigar Pétursson has worked at Eve Online maker CCP Games, Iceland’s biggest game studio, for 20 years, and he has been CEO since 2004. For the service, he gets the honor of getting a big Viking sword. 

 To date, CCP Games has given out 80 swords. Pétursson takes pride in that because CCP Games has built a game that has persisted through the years, always managing to remain relevant despite changes in the industry. 
 “We’ve been doing for 20 years what people fantasize about doing today,” Pétursson said in an interview with me.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

EVE Online: 10 Most Expensive Ships (And How Much They Cost)

Eve Online Space ships


Given the fickle economy of Eve Online determining the cost of a ship is no small feat. The price of any given ship is determined by the fluctuating cost of materials, hanger rent, tax, usefulness in battle, and popularity. A ship could be worth billions one month only to drop to millions the next thanks to a patch. 

 That being said, there are some ships that consistently remain expensive to buy/build. It could be because of how rare they are, the lengths it takes to build them, or the fact that they’re flying bait for zealous Killboard climbers. These costs are estimates based on various sources and do not include any rare or limited edition ships such as the Gold Magnate or Cockroach.

EVE Online will let you 'borrow' skills to try new ships soon

Eve Online Free To Play


In EVE Online, it's not just enough to accrue the millions of ISK required to fly a battleship. You also have to train up the skills required to fly one, an act that can take months of actual time. But soon, CCP will let you take EVE's spiciest ships for a test drive, letting you borrow the required skills with new "Expert System" consumables. 

 Announced last week, Expert Systems will give you a week of temporary skill points in a "variety of professions", without having to commit. Considering the length of time it takes to train up (and the skill point limits applied to free pilots), these are pitched as a good way to explore new styles of play.


Eve Dev Blog


CCP Director of Product CCP Rattati gave a Q&A yesterday on the economics-focused Twitch stream of Oz_Eve. 

The frank and friendly conversation began with a discussion of CCP Rattati’s promotion to director of product, a leadership and strategic role that covers all CCPs gaming properties, after more than 13 years at CCP. In that time, he has served as EVE environments director, company finance strategist, and a leader on CCP’s shuttered shooter, Dust 514. 

 In keeping with the economics focus of the Twitch channel (and Rattati’s own background as a financial analyst), much of the questioning was about the economic future of EVE in the age of scarcity, and CCP Rattati’s passion for the economic metagame was evident.

Player-Led EVE Online Event. Frigate Free For All, Happening This Saturday

Frigate Free for All


EVE Online's player exploits are legendary within the video game world. Large scale wars, Cold War-esque spy thrillers and more have littered EVE's history, but so have some of the player run events intended to bring capsuleers together. This weekend will see one such event, the 7th annual Frigate Free For All.
In a blog post by EVE Online player Rixx Javix, the large event will be hosted on Saturday, March 6th at 16:00 UTC/EVE time (that's 11am ET/8am PT for us here in North America) and will feature players duking it out in Frigates for a morning of fun and lots and lots of explosions.
"No matter what you do inside the game, this is your chance to experience the excitement of PvP without the worry or stress. We have pilots from all over who come to these and enjoy themselves. Many of our own pilots came to Stay Frosty from experiencing their first taste of PvP at one of our FFA Events. Who knows? The next one might be you." - Rixx Javix

Read More - Eve Online 


Sunday, February 28, 2021

EVE Online’s Short Squeeze And Real-World Economy Ambitions


EVE Online had its own unique short squeeze last year - in time, you may even be able to trade between EVE's economy and real ones.

Eve online

The studio behind EVE Online calls it the “endlessly scalable storytelling engine.” That’s according to Hilmar Veigar Pétursson, CEO of CCP Games and the project manager who oversees all things EVE. Over the last 18 years, Pétursson and the rest of the team have put together a virtual economy so complex that it rivals that of a small country, like Pétursson’s own Iceland. As well as having a fully-functional bank at one point - which was then robbed by its in-game CEO, who proceeded to illegally exchange 200 billion ISK for real money - EVE experienced its very own short squeeze last year, not too dissimilar from the bizarre scenario we recently witnessed with GameStop.

EVE’s economy is founded upon arbitrage, meaning that profits are generated from simultaneously selling and purchasing the exact same asset in separate markets. In the case of EVE, this was originally accomplished by monetizing literally everything in the game. In the early days, some items were sold by NPCs to facilitate progression, but modern EVE places the onus of creating and destroying objects and resources entirely on players.

EVE Online Had A Fully Functional Bank In 2009 Before Its CEO Robbed 200 Billion From It

An EVE Online player set up a fully-functional bank in 2009 before going on to become the CEO and rob it, exchanging the funds for real-life currency.


EVE Online boasts a proprietary virtual economy that’s almost as complex as a real one, having seen its very own GameStop-esque short-squeeze just last year. Given that players are already successfully shorting resources based on scarcity speculation, it’s no surprise that some particularly apt spacefarers managed to put together a fully-functioning bank a few years back, complete with intricate interest repayment systems and (almost) airtight liquidity failsafes. 

 The only issue was the bank’s in-game CEO, who had plans of his own - specifically, plans to embezzle over 200 billion ISK (EVE's in-game currency) and convert it into real-life Australian dollars.


"Eve Online is among the most player-driven MMOs you can play. It has mega-corporations that players run, and there are massive space battles where you can have over 5,000 pilots taking part. It’s chaotic but gorgeous, and a free multiplayer game you can really get lost in." 

 "Eve gives you the freedom to select your path across the galaxy. You can be a pirate, a trader, or take part in war or politics across the game’s 7,000 star systems. If you decide to take part in the PvP or PvE battles, though, here’s hoping you’re not emotionally invested in your ship — over 750 ships get destroyed in the game every hour."

Interview with Reload/Tatius Jorgstern of Eve Online

 During my day job, I listen to a lot of talk radio. I also like to watch interviews on YouTube and this is what inspired me to want to get to know the actual players that play characters in the game Eve Online. There are some interviews out there that are interviews of the in-character players, I wanted to know about the behind the scenes of the players who play and why they play the game. Comments are always welcome and give him a follow on Twitter and YouTube, the links are at the bottom of the interview.

What motivates you to Play Eve online specifically, compared to other games you may play? 

 It’s been many different things throughout the years that I’ve played EVE. Overall, I’d say it’s the complexity of the game and the absolute freedom to forge your own path. Currently, it’s the Triglavian Invasion that’s keeping most of my attention. I’m following it very closely and am very excited to see where the story leads. 

Who are your main characters and who are they? 

 My main character is my oldest one: Tatius Jorgstern. I've got a support character as well that I used to use early in my EVE career for hauling while I mined. The other characters I created were just for research purposes for new player tutorials

What do you characters do, or what positions do they hold? 

 My main is the CEO of my “1-man” corp and a loyal supporter of Max Singularity, the Pope of New Eden. This character has done just about everything in game. Started out as a miner/industrialist, then went on to mission runner and eventually exploration, all sprinkled with random pvp attempts. Right now, I've been focusing on training for Triglavian ships for the Invasion. 

 What is your personal main driving point that makes you play these character(s)? And how do you approach it? 

 It really depends on what I'm concentrating on in game. If, for example, I haven't tried Factional Warfare in a few years, I'll dive deep into it, training whatever skills are necessary that I may be missing. I would say that before the Triglavian Invasion hit, I was starting to look into reactions and how/if they can be profitable. That's one area of the game that I know very little about and it's interesting to learn more. 

 Do you have some sort of goal you want to reach for your character(s)? 

 I guess I’m aiming to be able to fly every ship in the game. I’m keeping the first goal a little more reasonable and limiting it to sub-capitals only, but absolutely every ship is definitely the stretch goal. I think I’m actually only a few ships away from being skilled for every subcap! 

 Are there any Rl factors as to why you play the characters as you do? 

 Life is busy, it’s tough to dedicate hours per day to EVE. That definitely dictates how I play the characters and what kinds of activities I favor. There are plenty of quick activities in EVE that you can pick up for just 30 minutes to an hour, whether it’s PVE or even PVP. Aside from that, I made a decision to avoid joining corps and alliances with strict “call to arms” actions and mandatory ops. For me, EVE is entertainment and, at times, a creativity outlet that I enjoy on my own time. 

 How old are you personally? If you don't mind me asking. 

 I’m in my 30s, heading steady into 40s :D 

 Do any of your real life perspectives influence how you run your character(s)? 

 I think initially, in the first few months of me starting to play EVE, I was adhering to the “noble principles” of how my characters should act, always doing “the right thing”. EVE chiseled that away pretty quickly and, quite frankly, it was very interesting to switch the sides. Real life perspectives and interests always manifest themselves one way or another when you're playing a sandbox game. I think I tend to steer towards industry in-game because I'm just generally interested in optimizing complex processes. 

 Do you have any personal objectives you strive for while in your character(s)? 

 Usually the objectives were directly related to what kind of activity or career I wanted to pursue in EVE at the time. First, I have learned industry and resource harvesting. Then I moved on to science and exploration, etc. As of right now, I’m working on getting that fancy lab coat from Project Discovery.

 Does your character(s) let you play out something that you wish you could do IRL? 

 I guess the most obvious one is I’d love to experience interstellar travel. But aside from that, I have to say not really. I think it’s quite the opposite effect. My EVE experience is directly tied to RL through the friendships that I’ve made in-game and at player meet-ups. Instead of being an escape from RL (like many games can be), I found that EVE actually enriched RL with meaningful connections to other people all over the world that have the same appreciation for EVE. 

 Please give Reload a follow both on Twitter and Youtube, you will not be disappointed!

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