Sunday, March 14, 2021

Eve Online experienced its own GameStop-like short squeeze

All the excitement around GameStop’s stock has bled into GamesBeat’s discussions around the metaverse. And it turns out that stock market manipulation isn’t exclusive to the physical world.

Petursson joined moderator Mike Vorhaus of Vorhaus Partners to discuss Eve Online’s role as one of the earliest metaverses during GamesBeat’s Into The Metaverse event. Petursson and Vorhaus also discussed what it means to be a metaverse and the growth of Eve Online during the panel.

Petursson didn’t go into specifics about the in-game short squeezes, but added that gamers have manipulated their market in the same ways the real stock market is being manipulated right now.

“Reality is giving us a run for our money right now,” Petursson said. Eve Online did have a player-made stock market for a short time, but it isn’t currently in the game and hasn’t been available for the majority of its 17-year lifespan.

Read More & Watch More - VentureBeat

Federation Grand Prix Returns to EVE Online with New Monuments

Federation Grand Prix


Previous Federation Grand Prix have seen you race around various iconic sites in EVE Online including systems and space wrecks. You compete for best time and will be rewarded for various milestones you reach. Each time you race, you’ll do so on a new course.

As the event concludes, CCP will share some monuments meant to celebrate players and events throughout the history of EVE Online. New monuments this year include the Statue of Chribba which pays tribute to, “one of the most celebrated, trusted, and respected,” players in EVE Online.

There will also be an Alliance Tournament Monument. This one is meant to honor the “scale and tenacity” of combat. Finally, CCP will unveil the Project Discover Phase Two Monument. This one commemorates all the time the community has poured into helping scientists discover various exoplanets, fighting the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and more.

Credit - MMORPG

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Two Minor Changes Could Mean Big Things For EVE Online


Eve Online - Free To Play

This month has seen a flurry of announcements about EVE Online’s immediate future. Alongside the usual spaceship changes and rebalancing, a brand new, somewhat controversial skill system will be introduced, as well as what sounds like a largely cosmetic change to the game that could have huge implications for players.

In almost every big science fiction work that involves massive amounts of starships, those ships are arranged in organized battle formations, arrayed out like individual troops marching to battle. Not in EVE, though: In EVE, ships drop out of warp in a disorganized clump, roughly ball-shaped, and quickly begin to clip into one another as they hurry to “anchor” on their fleet commander to follow their maneuvers. Soon, this behavior will change. Several predetermined but customizable formations are being added to the game and will be made available to Fleet Commanders, or FCs, all across the galaxy. This will allow those FCs to determine what their fleet looks like when it arrives on the battlefield.

At a glance, this seems largely like a cosmetic change with little gameplay impact. However, according to CCP Rise, one of the senior game designers for EVE, this feature may be “super overpowered” and could change the face of the game. When large fleets do battle in EVE, positioning and range control are important factors that can cause a battle to go right, or terribly wrong. Even when greatly outnumbered, a well-positioned fleet can cause damage well above its apparent “weight class.” With the new Fleet Formations update, establishing good positioning initially may become a great deal easier.

Read More - Kotaku

How Eve Online’s corps recruit fresh blood for the space game’s wars

Eve Online - Free To Play

While the massive capital ships represent most of the actual value involved in Eve’s battles, the conflicts also demand huge amounts of time and dedication by vast numbers of players. The coalitions fighting the war – groups formed by Eve’s massive player-controlled corporations – need a steady stream of new recruits to maintain the war effort. They need fresh capsuleers, new players who are equipped with enough know-how to help battle enemy ships or act as scouts.

 The problem is, Eve Online has a bit of a reputation for being difficult to get into. That initial difficulty curve is infamous, even among Eve players. A well-known cartoon among community members depicts a chart with the initial learning curves of MMOs like WoW and The Lord of the Rings Online, which appear to rise gently over time along the x-axis. High above them is a black line that represents Eve, which is depicted as a sheer cliff littered with the mangled bodies of players who have attempted to scale it and failed.

Read More - PCGamesn

EVE News – Website update


A new version of the EVE News website is now live, ready to serve all Capsuleers eager to hear the latest from New Eden!

Going forward, all items will contain tags to help you find the content you’re interested in, including the Future Updates tag that is replacing EVE Updates. The news archive will help visitors go through the vast catalog of news content by easily jumping to certain years and months for specific stories.

Read More - Eve Online

Friday, March 12, 2021

Thursday, March 11, 2021


Federation Grand Prix

 Start your warp drives, it’s time for the Federation Grand Prix once more! Introducing new landmark sights to see, plus daily rewards and multiple circuit routes across New Eden, the fastest Capsuleers in the cluster can compete against each other for glory until 11:00 UTC on 23 March.


As part of the Reign Quadrant, the daily Federation Grand Prix seasonal challenges will task you with getting yourself to the start line in the Luminaire system and then racing to a number of selected landmark locations within a designated time limit to earn rewards. You’ll get to know parts of New Eden in a way you may never have before and claim challenge rewards such as Luminaire Zenith SKINs and Grand Prix Boosters.


Until 11:00 UTC on 23 March, you can log in to EVE Online daily and get free rewards as part of the Federation Grand Prix event!

Rewards for Alpha pilots include an Expert System that will temporarily grant any pilot the necessary skills and skill levels to fly speedy Interceptors, perfect for the daily challenges! Alphas can also claim Grand Prix Velocity Boosters, Luminaire Zenith SKINs, and 15,000 Skill Points. Omega pilots get all of the Alpha rewards plus more Luminaire Zenith SKINs, an extra 35,000 Skill Points, and an extra Grand Prix Warp Booster for further race day advantages!

Federation Grand Prix Prizes

Federation Grand Prix Prizes

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


 Achieve tactical supremacy and victory in New Eden with EVE Online's new Quadrant "Reign", the first in 2021! Launching a new year of Quadrants after 2020's successful introduction of themed content for EVE, Reign brings with it exciting new updates to fleets and travel, continuous balance and meta changes, plus returning events such as the Guardian's Gala and The Hunt.

Fleet options in EVE will improve during the Reign Quadrant thanks to the Fleet Discovery update.

Many more upcoming changes will soon see the light as the Quadrant progresses, as has been the case for all of EVE's Quadrants so far. One upcoming change will give Capsuleers more control over fleet formations and presence on the battlefield. For the curious, the Quadrant trailer is a solid starting point for theory crafters.

Read More - Eve Online

Monday, March 8, 2021

Cloudflare Security Solutions Help CCP Games Stop DDoS Attacks & Credential-Stuffing Bots

CCP Games Logo


Headquartered in Reykjavík, Iceland, CCP Games develops cutting-edge, massively multiplayer online (MMO) games — including EVE Online, an MMO whose 300,000+ active players populate a virtual universe, traveling in intricate spacecrafts that require years of time and thousands of dollars to build.
EVE Online’s global player base forge real connections with one another and spend real money in-game. Transaction errors and other glitches that detract from the in-game experience are unacceptable. DDoS attacks that slow game servers or take them down completely are devastating to game developers.
Account takeovers (ATOs) are also a big issue in the gaming industry. User credentials for MMO games fetch high prices on the Dark Web. In addition to in-game currency and digital assets, these accounts contain valuable personal identifying information (PII) and payment card data.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Graphic designer

 I had a new logo created in the image of Anubis the Egyptian God of death, mummification, embalming, the afterlife, cemeteries, tombs, and the Underworld. I have always had a fascination with him and what he represents in Egyptian lore. 

 I started to follow a graphic artist on Twitter named Emma Wilson. She sent me a message asking if I wanted to get some work done and at first, I didn't need a logo because I had just had one made by someone else. I did decide to get a new one done because, although the other logo was good, I could see she would do better.

After a few days, I had a new logo, done professionally and she was great working with me on what I wanted and what I was looking for. She worked with me as far as payment (half down and the other half after completion) and payments were made through Paypal.

Give her a follow on Twitter and check out her work



Yesterday A Band Apart & Stay Frosty held our 7th Annual FFA Event in Ouelletta and all of Eve Online was invited to participate. And while all of them didn't show up obviously, a big number of them did. 

 Ok, so deep breath. All in all we handed out aprox 6,300 Frigates. It is hard to know exact numbers because at the end there we were raiding our regular Corporation hangars and handing out anything we could to keep up. I think we even handed out our cache of Ganking Thrashers we keep on hand. 

 According to Dotlan, Ouelletta saw over 11,000 ship and pod kills yesterday. With some reports putting that number up over the 12,000 total. Again, it is always hard to know the true data and we're waiting on a potential final tally from CCP. Once we have that I'll update this post with the new information. 

 If these numbers hold and I fully expect them to based on what we've seen, this may very well be the largest loss of ships/pods in one day EVER in Low Security space. Based on what I know of Eve history I expect it will be an historic day. I used to attend RnK's FFA events back in the day and while they were huge for their time, I don't ever remember them resulting in these types of numbers. And Low Sec battles, while many like Asakai are historic, never really add up to these numbers either. So I expect we've set new records here. And if you happened to be there, you'll have something else to remember it by.

Saturday, March 6, 2021


Eve Online Mining Ship

  Multiplayer sandbox games are a tough genre to break into, often leaving new players lost in all the features and options available. EVE Online, being a sandbox space simulator, takes that even further by placing as few restrictions on the player as possible while still being a competitive MMO. The choices come early on, and it can leave a lot of the new players, including myself, lost in space, wondering where to take all of this freedom. 

 Luckily, I got some help on my first steps into New Eden. Páll Bjarnason is an associate PR and marketing specialist at CCP Games who sat down with me during the tutorials to discuss the early choices, combat in EVE Online, and sage advice that beginning EVE pioneers should try and follow. 

 The first thing you do when starting EVE Online is build a character, and that immediately forces you to choose a starting faction. How much does that choice impact the game? Your character creation is purely an aesthetic point of view. The factions and bloodlines, all that stuff. The only differences that I can actually think of … are that you’re going to start off with some very, very basic skills.

YC 123 New Eden Capsuleers’ Writing Contest

In light of the successful contest the last seven years I am pleased to announce the EIGHTH (yay!) year for a writing contest for stories or poems by or about Capsuleers/Baseliners and their worlds and cultures.  

  • There will be FOUR categories this year: 
  • Poetry 
  • Prose 
  • Academic/
  • Scientific (e.g. Academic, Economic Reports, Science Reports, Theological Writings, Treatises, etc.) News/Gossip/Opinion Pieces 


 There is no minimum length. Maximum length is 15,000 words. There is no required subject matter; the content may be fiction or non-fiction. 

 Prior works are eligible as long as posted or published AFTER May 15, YC 122 (2020). This means, for example, works in the recent story-time thread on the IGS or stories and gossip reports (in Player Fiction) in the past uear can be nominated by their authors for consideration. 

 Please post entries by linking in this thread or by a clear label in the Eve Fiction category of these forums, e.g. [YC 123 NEWCWC your work title here] as the title.
  • FIRST PLACE - 5 billion isk
  • SECOND PLACE - 3 billion isk
  • THIRD PLACE - 750 million isk
  • FOURTH PLACE - 250 million isk
  • Honorable Mentions - 50 million isk

Friday, March 5, 2021

EVE Online's New Jump Tunnels Spice Up Travel In A Much Needed Way

Space Gate Jump


One of the things I dislike most about EVE Online is the time it takes to travel from one system to the next. Spending an hour getting from Jita to some far-flung system in New Eden can be a chore sometimes, especially if you live on the outskirts of HiSec like I do (I've started to make my home in LowSec to do some piracy lately). One major reason why this always felt dull was not just the time it took, but also simply the animations going from one system to the next never really inspired much. 

 For those who have never played EVE Online, jump tunnels before were a simple animation to essentially hide a loading screen. It felt right out of 90's sci-fi - a simple, muted kaleidascope of color that looked like a warp tunnel from Stargate SG-1 or a show like that. It wasn't bad - but it never felt compelling to me. And, after seven or eight jumps in a row, it started to get downright mundane.

Hilmar Veigar Pétursson interview: Remembering 20 years of Eve Online

Eve Online
Hilmar Veigar Pétursson has worked at Eve Online maker CCP Games, Iceland’s biggest game studio, for 20 years, and he has been CEO since 2004. For the service, he gets the honor of getting a big Viking sword. 

 To date, CCP Games has given out 80 swords. Pétursson takes pride in that because CCP Games has built a game that has persisted through the years, always managing to remain relevant despite changes in the industry. 
 “We’ve been doing for 20 years what people fantasize about doing today,” Pétursson said in an interview with me.

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