This can be especially useful with a game like EVE Online, where players typically have a number of things going on, even while they're not logged in to play. While the EVE iPhone apps don't act as game clients, players can, for instance, check in on the skill progression of their characters, check their wallet balances as market transactions and contract sales take place while away from the client, and in general keep tabs on their virtual involvements in New Eden.
Friday, April 30, 2021
Better late than never, CCP's MMOG gets boxed retail distribution via Atari.
This can be especially useful with a game like EVE Online, where players typically have a number of things going on, even while they're not logged in to play. While the EVE iPhone apps don't act as game clients, players can, for instance, check in on the skill progression of their characters, check their wallet balances as market transactions and contract sales take place while away from the client, and in general keep tabs on their virtual involvements in New Eden.
True stories of EVE Online to become comic book and TV series
Industry giant Dark Horse Comics, the company responsible for comics like Hellboy and Sin City, will be publishing the 54-page graphic novel this winter in both a paid-for print form and a free digital download. For the lore buffs among us, Dark Horse will also be producing a colossal 184-page glossy colour hardback book covering all of the NPC backstory and lore behind EVE Online and DUST 514. Titled EVE Source, the book will be an in-character almanac of everything in the EVE setting that isn't player-created and will even include previously unreleased concept art.
Monday, April 26, 2021
Celebrate EVE Online’s 18th birthday - Share your moments in this player video contest
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Vote for Rixx Javix for CSM16
"o/ Everyone, this is Rixx Javix and I’m asking for your support as a candidate for the Council of Stellar Management.
You may know me from a thousand different directions. From the recent FFA I hosted 2 that set the record for most ship explosions ever in Low Security space, from the Freaky Frigates collection 13 that is currently being sold on the Official Eve Store, from the free swag I handed you once at an Eve player meet, from my RedBubble store, from my Eve Magazine EVEOGANDA 8 which I’ve been writing for over eleven years, from my spaceship posters that CCP sold, or from countless community events, charities, podcasts, streams, logos, or other projects that I’ve been involved with over the years.
Thing is, no matter how you know me (good or bad), you know that there are few players as passionate, dedicated, and committed to Eve Online. I play every single day that I can. I bring content to the game wherever I go in space. Events like our annual FFAs, DeathRaces, the Alliance Tournament, free books, maps (like the recent Eve Fantasy Map I worked on with Ithica Hawk 9) or the maps in Andrew Groen’s History of Eve book 1 series. Whatever you might think of me, I will bring that same level of commitment to my time as your representative on the CSM.
I care about this game, our community, and the players that play it.
I sincerely appreciate your support."
Eve Online economic analysis released
CCP Games, the makers of MMO Eve Online, has released its first quarterly economic newsletter, which analyses the population and economy of the game.
CCP Games, the makers of MMO Eve Online, has released its first quarterly economic newsletter, which analyses the population and economy of the game.
It's the first publication of its kind, and has been written by Eve's resident economist Eyjolfur Gudmundsson, who was previously the dean of Economics in CCP's home city of Reykjavik, and assistant Kjartan T Halldorsson.
Unlike most MMOs Eve Online is based largely on user-generated content, and features a highly complex economic model, based around a single persistent world made up of almost 200,000 subscribers.
EVE Online’s Project Discovery is Nominated For Best Public Service
Hailed as the “Internet’s highest honor” by The New York Times, The Webby Awards, presented by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences (IADAS), is the leading international awards organization honoring excellence on the Internet. IADAS, which nominates and selects The Webby Award Winners, is comprised of Internet industry experts including Mozilla Chairwoman Mitchell Baker; MOMA Senior Curator Paola Antonelli; Host of NPR’s Code Switch Shereen Marisol Meraji; R/GA Global Chief Creative Officer Tiffany Rolfe; Co-Inventor of the Internet Vint Cerf; DJ and Founder, Club Quarantine D-Nice; Co-host Desus & Mero on Showtime Desus Nice; SVP of Content at Twitch Michael Aragon; Twitter Senior Director, Product Design Richard Ting; and Founders of VERZUZ Swizz Beatz and Timbaland.
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Rainbow Six Siege Raises $170,000 For AbleGamers
Congrats to the EVE community for raising over US$10k for @AbleGamers, especially @chocolaterahne and the #Streamfleet team! CCP will be donating an additional US$1k in support of our players' efforts 🙏🕹️#tweetfleet #SpawnTogether #EVEfriendshipweek
— EVE Online (@EveOnline) March 25, 2021
However, Ubisoft isn't stopping with AbleGamers. The launch of this charitable bundle was only the first in a series that it is beginning, dubbed the 'Sixth Guardian Program.' Each bundle will support a different charity and likely follow the same formula - a series of collectibles, like weapon skins and charms, that are branded with the charity's insignia.
MMOSide Chat - How Often Do You Stop And Help New Players In An MMO?
Sunday, April 18, 2021
EVE Online Adding New Intergalactic Landmarks to Explore

EVE Online typically makes headlines for epic wars between highly dedicated communities. The MMORPG by CCP Games sees players creating their own character to explore and live in an expansive universe. Now fans can look forward to more landmarks and sights to see, as a recent update added more content to EVE Online.
When it comes to the size of the game, EVE Online truly lives up to the "massive" label of MMOs. Strewn throughout the universe are thousands of star systems, and it has even broken two Guinness World Records. While this space provides content for the growing community, there are also unique landmarks players can find. Thanks to the recent update, there are some more secrets, as well as revamped locations, to discover.
Saturday, April 17, 2021
Capsuleer Survey
A better understanding of EVE Online players is a long-term pursuit of ours: engaging with you on the forums, talking with you at events, reading blogs, watching player streams, sending out surveys, working with the CSM – the list goes on and on. Not every EVE player is the same and there are myriad reasons why you enjoy flying around in New Eden; whether it’s the thrill of the hunt, pride in helping your friends, the joy of exploration, a keen interest in marketing trading, or something more.
The journey of getting an even better picture of what drives each of New Eden’s Capsuleers continues as we now launch a new survey, the Capsuleer Survey. The results from this survey will continue to help us in making EVE a fantastic game - for you, and those who may be like you but haven't tried it yet.
For completing this survey, you will receive 7 days of Omega time and also your own individual player profile, and you will help us improve New Eden for the future. You can complete this survey by logging in and clicking the link on the character selection screen.
A love letter to Eve Online’s tutorial
For those unfamiliar, Eve Online is a free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online game where thousands of players vie for resources, power, and combat victories in a shared universe set in space.
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Top 8 Promotional Video Game Music Videos
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
CSM 16 Elections are approaching!
The CSM15 term is slowly coming to an end, but despite not having the pleasure to meet in person, we managed to remain productive by interacting daily via established Slack channels with EVE Online teams and hosting regular meetings with members across the CCP organization to cover topics ranging from new game feature designs, balance, marketing, live operations to reflecting on the past and brainstorming future opportunities.
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
'EVE Online' Deploys New and Updated Landmarks

Sunday, April 11, 2021
Another great fleet last night
EVE Online fixes boomerang exploit
CCP considered it an official and actionable game exploit to avoid CONCORD retaliation in high-security space by attacking a target right after the aggressor warps away or within the same grid in which the player earned a Global Criminal Countdown. Those who used the exploit prior to the fix could have found themselves dealing with a much scarier force than CONCORD: game masters themselves. Now, any player with a GCC will simply be unable to warp away.
Other than keeping boomerangs in the hands of kangaroos where they belong, Crucible patch 1.6.3 contains a few localization fixes, the ability to add a station as a waypoint or destination through the API, and some pesky client crashing issues.
EVE Anywhere Is Ruining My Productivity
EVE Online In Browser Form Equals Convenience

EVE Anywhere is such a novel way to play the MMORPG. It's not like EVE Online requires a ton of system resources to run, either. My PC could easily run multiple instances of the MMO while still running the windows needed to work. However, there is just something about opening up a Firefox or Chrome tab and just being able to easily swap between the two.
Friday, April 9, 2021
10 MMOs That Are Amazing (After A Rough Opening Few Hours)
EVE Online is a notorious MMO for its incredible complexity and fanatical player base. EVE Online functions as a persistent world where every player, base, resource, and fleet can interact with one another in the near-infinite world.
EVE Online is one of the most complex games for new players to learn, so be prepared to keep wiki tabs open while playing. The game gets really good when playing with a fleet of other players or engaging in total space warfare, but usually, only the most skilled players learn to survive.
The authors of EVE Online confirmed work on an “ambitious” shooter in the game’s universe, which will “define the genre”
However, the creator of EVE Online hasn’t given up on his plans. The London office has been working on a project based on Unreal Engine 4 for several years. And new studio head Adrian Blunt, former VP of Game Development at Splash Damage, recently spoke about the upcoming shooter in EVE Online.
In an interview with MCV UK, Blunt said about 40 people are working on the project, but the final team size will depend on the game’s scale. According to him, this is a very ambitious shooter that will become defining for the genre: “When I had the opportunity to meet with the team, play a game, I was amazed at what the team was able to create.”
CCP London hires Splash Damage vet Blunt
He will apparently be leading development on the company's currently-unannounced first-person shooter project, previously known as Project Nova. Prior to landing the studio director role at CCP London, Blunt was VP of development at Splash Damage, having joined the firm back in 2018 as VP of operations.
Before that he held roles at the likes of EA – working on FIFA Online – Ubisoft Singapore, Square Enix and online services provider Fireteam.
CCP has said that Project Nova is no longer going by that name and that it won't be announcing codenames in future. Before, this game was being created by CCP's Reykjavík studio, but is now being solely handled by the company's London outpost. CCP previously announced that Project Nova was no more with CCP London working on a new shooter based in the world of Eve Online. In December 2020, the firm announced that it was enlisting the support of Keywords' Sperasoft studio to work on this project.
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
This isn’t about just me, though, but more about some strange friends I made as I delved further into this storied space simulator.
It all started when I realized just how much time I’d need to dedicate so that I could give EVE a proper trial before passing judgment. It’s not a game you can simply hop in and understand everything at work, so it was going to take at least a couple days of playtime in order to grasp enough concepts that I would feel comfortable discussing the game at length.
CCP London’s Game Is a Genre-Defining, Hugely Ambitious EVE-Based Shooter, Says Dev
When that news came, we also learned from CCP that another EVE-based shooter was in production, an evolution of the so-called Project Legion. That was subsequently confirmed to be Project Nova, though once again fans' hopes were eventually dashed as CCP suspended development for Project Nova in late 2018.
One might think that this is a fanciful vision of the future of warfare conducted remotely by networked military forces. But in fact it’s happening right now, albeit virtually, in the world of massively multiplayer online role-playing games—specifically, in the universe of EVE Online. For some time now there has been interest from the defense sector in looking at video games as a source of innovation. Certainly, as anyone knows who has spent much time both playing modern computer games and using military hardware, the defense world could learn a lot from the gaming world. In some cases, it already has.
Eve Online Best Ships For Exploration
Exploration is a time-honored profession in Eve Online. It encompasses a number of activities including hacking Relic sites, fighting Sleepers in Wormholes, and hunting other explorers in the depths of space.
Having the right ship for the job is vitally important. The best ship will largely depend on the player’s preferred playstyle and what activities they’ll be doing most. That being said, there are some ships that consistently rise to the top and are frequently used in exploration.
Project Nova, Eve Online's Canceled Multiplayer Shooter, Is Getting A Reboot At CCP's London Studio
It wasn't the coronavirus that killed Project Nova, however, but poor reception from fans after closed alpha testing. That's according to CCP Games PR head George Kelion, who spoke to MCV about the ultimate fate of Project Nova.
EVE Online shining up its starbases for Odyssey
Among the major changes coming to starbases are the inclusion of private hangars, repackaging modules within starbase arrays, and the removal of sovereignty requirements from capital ship maintenance arrays. The UI will also be tweaked and improved, and players will be able to swap Strategic Cruiser subsystems from a starbase while accessing any of the starbase's arrays from within the facility's shield. For full details on the hard work being done to improve these structures, check out the full development blog.
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
German Frigate Free 4 All
Date: Friday, 04/09/2021 Time: 19:00 DE Meeting
Where: Amarr VIII (Oris) – Emperor Family
Academy Location: The Low Sec System will be announced on the evening TS:
Basic rules/infos:
- X-Up in the G-Fleet In-game chat channel ( for Fleet Invite
- The overview scan to the extent that you see Fleetmember and Nichfleetmember.
- "Child protection on yellow" "not on red" in order not to be able to shoot pods (only necessary in the low system).
- For safety reasons, put Death Clone on the NPC Station in Low.
- No pods are shot, better take them down from the overview.
- Fights only take place in the arena. Also not at the WarpIns (e.B. Arena WarpIn @400km) in the arena.
- You're welcome! use the BM's in the arena and don't warp directly on the opponent (that dictates the decency!).
- The respective ship is traded via a specific char (see Fleet MOTD).
- There are additional bookmarks for the NPC Station, Gates or Safespots.
Sunday, April 4, 2021
A New Live Event for July
During the summer months, we here at the Illuminati Team are taking an opportunity to try something different with live events for a while. For the past year, we've been running events with actors in system which players get to come and interact with; either to help them, negotiate with them, or just blow them up. Now we'd like to try look at other possibilities.
For our first experiment, we're holding this photography contest on behalf of the Sisters of EVE, who are well known for exploring the universe of New Eden. We're hoping to allow a wider range of players to participate, over a variety of time zones and locations, with different playstyles than we've been able to support so far. We hope you like it!
How easy is it to get into EVE Online in 2021?
I’ve always known about EVE Online. Modern gamers are in fact born with an innate sense of EVE Online’s existence. It’s that game about spaceships, where you can take your spaceship and join up with everyone else’s spaceship to do *something*, all the while giant conglomerates wage occasional wars in which hundreds of thousands of real world dollars are blown to smithereens. That is where the innate knowledge, unfortunately, washes up on a distant planet’s shore, left to eddy in a tranquil sci-fi backwater along with Battle of the Planets and Wing Commander’s FMV. It is a game so epic in scale that somewhere along the way I’ve got lost trying to understand it.
Saturday, April 3, 2021
64-Bit Instructions for Singularity (Mac Users - must read!)
The March 5th mass test 13 revealed some interesting memory and FPS concerns with the initial implementation. Devs scrambled to find the causes and modify the code to prevent further disruptions.
And now, the continuation:
Our Engine and Build teams have tackled a fair number of interesting issues in the 64-Bit client. We resolved a unique quirk of EVE memory allocation related to module duration and scene clean up, and have instituted fixes for problems related to frametime.
Excitingly, we’ve also implemented a few changes to allow Mac users to experience EVE in 64-bit glory. So, we’re going to try mass testing again as indicated HERE 74 !
There are a few specific steps that need to be taken for you to participate in this (now) twice-in-a-lifetime experience:
1: Restart your launcher to get the latest version. The necessary Launcher version is 1501045.
2: Select Singularity as your server.
3: Start the client!
1: Restart your launcher to get the latest version. The necessary Launcher version is 1501045.
2: Open EVE Launcher Preferences in the Menu Bar.
3: Enable ‘Use dev versions’ under wine options.
4: Select the following specific Wine Dev branch*: winehq-macos-binary.
5: Allow Wine** to download and update (sometimes restarting the launcher afterward is necessary).
6: Select Singularity as your server.
7: Start the client!
*- Please note that selecting this Wine version is officially approved for Singularity use only! If you switch to any other server, INCLUDING TRANQUILITY, we recommend that you disable development Wine to ensure a stable experience.
**- This Wine version does not include the custom key bindings present in ccp-master wine. Discussion regarding the removal of those bindings can be found HERE 29
Friday, April 2, 2021
EVE Online’s Latest Front Is A Battle Of The Bands
Known as ErodiceSGHQ and Looktoyourleft_1 on Reddit, these players have been releasing track after track shining a light on their respective faction’s victories and the failures of the opposition. It all started with a little ditty called “We Didn’t Crash the Server” posted by Looktoyourleft a little over two months ago. The song is a parody of “We Didn’t Start the Fire” by Billy Joel, and covers the events of one of EVE’s largest battles ever. The song is a tongue-in-cheek retelling of the fight from the Imperium perspective, full of in-jokes, personal references, and jabs at the opposing force, the PAPI coalition.
Dying in EVE Online changed my life
Dying in EVE Online is intense. Unlike most other MMOs, where you can simply respawn with all your stuff and carry on with your quest, a destroyed ship is gone forever. That loss stings if you don't have the ISK to immediately purchase a replacement. But while I raged in the moment, those memories are some of the strongest I've had playing any PC game. It meant something to lose that ship. There were stakes beyond good and bad endings or plot twists triggered by dialogue choices. EVE Online was the first time I felt the consequences of my actions in a game. The emotional highs and lows that came as a result have defined not just how I think about PC games, but also my career.
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Gate to Stain Under Construction
As part of our next Quadrant release, you can expect to see a new route opening up in the southern regions of New Eden bringing a long-awaited Lowsec gate to Stain. This newly-built stargate will offer Capsuleers expedient access into and out of this NPC Nullsec region, making it much more favorable as a place to live or stage from.
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